Welcome to official site of Erasmus+ project, entitled Implementation of Dual Education in Higher Education of Serbia / DualEdu, EACEA 586029-EPP-1-2017-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. This project has been funded with support from European Commission, within Erasmus+ programme.
The DualEdu project Final conference was successfully held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade at July 8th, where all activities carried out during the project realisation were presented, as well as its most important results. The conference was held in hybrid form (online + onsite), following the COVID19 pandemic recommendations and it was attended by more than 60 participants (in total).
DualEdu project team members – Prof. dr Nenad Zrnić (Vice-rector of the University of Belgrade and coordinator of the DualEdu project), Prof. dr. Radivoje Mitrovic (Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade), doc. dr. Zarko Miskovic (DualEdu Project Administrator) and dr Sanja Šešlija (DualEdu project co-administrator) have presented the current results of the DualEdu project activities at the 11th KOD 2021 International Conference. The conference was held on June, 10-12, 2021 in Novi Sad (Serbia), and was attended by large number of academic participants, as well as representatives from industry – mostly highly educated engineers from at least 5 different countries. Over 110 scientific papers were presented at the conference, and the presented activities of the DualEdu project and the accompanying discussion aroused great attention and interest of the participants – especially taking into account that the University of Novi Sad is one of institutions which participate in the DualEdu project realisation.
On June 9th, 2021, the Erasmus+ project Implementation of Dual Education in Higher Education of Serbia - DualEdu was successfully presented to the members of the ADECO society (Association for Design, Elements and Construction)- within the annual ADECO meeting, held at the University of Novi Sad. Taking into account that the ADECO is an international society of mechanical engineers – both from academic institutions and industry, the promotion of the DualEdu project results to the members of ADECO was very important for DualEdu project sustainability – because industry has a very significant role in dual education, as the students must obtain practical knowledge parallelly to the academic knowledge they obtain via traditional lectures at the university. The particular interest for DualEdu project results was expressed by present participants for the presentation held by prof. dr Radivoje Mitrović – who is at the moment both manager of the ADECO association and member/manager of the DualEdu local committee from the University of Belgrade.
Professor Mirko Savić talked about dual education on the national television in Serbia.
Accreditation standards have been adopted. The proposals of the DualEdu team have been largely adopted, so the conditions have been created for higher education institutions to start re-accreditation of study programs / modules as soon as possible.